Updated Travel Protocols
Added: Nov 08, 2021
Category: News
?We are delighted to announce that from 15 November 2021, visitors to Grenada who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to quarantine. In only a few simple steps, you can be safely on your way to Grenada to enjoy your luxury vacation. Here's what you'll need: Book your stay with an approved Pure Safe Travel accommodation such as The Point. Apply for travel entry authorization into Grenada. A travel authorization certificate will be issued within 48 hours of arrival into Grenada. Click here to apply>> Negative PCR test taken 72-hrs / 3 days before arrival. Applies to all travellers over 5 years of age. Rapid antigen test on arrival with results in 10 minutes. Tests are to be paid for prior to entry into Grenada. Payment Link >>. Once your test result is negative, travellers are free to explore Grenada. Explore Grenada without restrictions!

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